Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM
March 14, 15, and 16
(3 days, 9 total hours of instruction)
La Jolla Studio
Follow your imagination and the patterns in fabric scraps as you combine them with painted paper, cutouts, and paints. This is a chance to recycle many colorful leftovers into fantasy creations. Compositional forms will be explained with a focus on movement and repetition. During the first class meeting, Susan will demonstrate techniques for preparing paper and gluing items smoothly, and she will provide some fabric scraps for your use. She will be working on a mixed-media collage while in class. The following classes will be used to complete a larger work using still life or photographs as inspiration.
Materials: Fabric scraps, paper,* acrylic paints, 11” x 14” canvas (or larger), gesso, brushes, clear acrylic medium, copies of old photos, magazines for collage, scissors. Useful additions: Rags, scraps of foam-core, corrugated cardboard, mat board, colored pencils, soft pastels, oil pastels, India ink, watercolors.
*Paper for the base of the artwork needs to be at least 100 lb. Pick no smaller than 16” x 20”. Various sizes and types of art paper (Arches cover, Stonehenge, Bristol) are good. All kinds of scrap paper and wrapping paper can be used in the mixed-media art piece.
Max students: 12