The coronavirus shutdown placed La Jolla’s Sugar & Scribe, like restaurants across the nation, in the terrible position of having to fight to stay in business.
But Sugar & Scribe owner/executive chef Maeve Rochford came up with a partial solution that benefits not only her restaurant, but the nation’s biggest heroes right now. She created Sandwiches for Superheroes, a program allowing customers to purchase prepared fresh meals for the doctors, nurses, techs and administrators in two of San Diego’s busiest emergency rooms. Free deliveries are made twice a week to Scripps Green Hospital and Sharp Memorial Hospital.
“The idea was a creative way in which people can support businesses and hospitals all in one,” Rochford said. “So you’re helping Sugar & Scribe keep going, and we’re helping keep ER staffs going, because we all know we make better decisions when we’re healthier.” Each bag contains a clearly labeled sandwich, salad and cookie. The program launched the week of March 29, delivering 60 meals. The second week, Sugar & Scribe sold 75. Rochford said the hospitals provide strict instructions on how to deliver the food. “We have to be there 11:30 a.m. promptly Tuesday and Friday and they come to the vehicle, take out the food and bring it in,” she said.
Rochford knows first-hand the good work done by ER staffs because she has suffered from a rare kidney disease since 17 years old.“These people give up their whole lives in order for you to have a chance at your life, and I think that’s pretty exceptional,” she said. “Right now, they’re literally walking into work facing the reality that some of them are going to die so that others can live.”
Sandwiches for Superheroes can be purchased for $15 per meal at sugarandscribe.com. When purchasing, you’re invited to include a message to the hospital staff, your name and where you live.
“We hope to provide these people with the sense that the whole city is behind them,” Maeve said.