Create or Edit Member Profile

If you are a member of the La Jolla Village Merchants Association and would like your business listed on this website, please fully complete the form below. If your business is already listed, and you want to request an update, please fill in the information you would like us to change and/or add and we will update your listing as soon as possible.

  • Personal Contact Information

    Please let us know the contact information you want La Jolla Village Merchants Association to use when reaching out to your business.
  • Company Information

  • This is also your San Diego Business Tax Certificate Number. This can be obtained at
  • 0 of 800 max characters
    Please keep this short and professional.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 5.
      Please upload up to 5 quality images. Preferred dimensions 1200px by 800px at 72dpi. 8MB maximum file size.
    • Please share a link to your files (Dropbox, Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc.)
    • YouTube or Vimeo link
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.