La Jolla Swim and Sport

7852 Ivanhoe Ave, La Jolla, CA 92037

Our specialty lies in helping you find the products that are right for you.

Enjoy shopping for all things Swim at San Diego’s premier aquatic sport outfitter. Our expertise and familiarity with the local water
sports scene ensures you a quality fit whether for swimsuits, wetsuits or goggles. We personally help fit each and every
customer with a small item like swim goggles all the way to triathlete and surfing wetsuits. We carry just about every water
sports item you’ll need for pool swimming, ocean swimming, boogie boarding, surfing and SUP.

PBear Caps

Our caps are brightly colored neoprene swim caps for keeping warm and visible. They are called PBear Caps (Polar Bear) and they are exclusive to La Jolla Swim and Sport because we hand make them right here in our store!

Guided Swims

Schedule a guided swim with store owner Adriana Issakov. Adriana has introduced thousands of swimmers of all levels to the
wonders of our own aquatic nature preserve, La Jolla Cove. Swimming in La Jolla Cove offers natives and visitors alike an unique experience each time you enter the water.

Stocked with::

  • Triathlete wetsuits
  • Variety of fins for pool and ocean
  • Joyln, TYR, Speedo and more!
