Krista Thumbnail CBS8

If you did NOT get a chance to see the excellent coverage from CBS8 (almost 20 total minutes of live broadcasting showing off our beautiful galleries and event) here are the links to take a look.  CBS 8’s Chief Meteorologist Karlene Chavis and anchor Jesse Pagan spent over four hours in the village with two photojournalists capturing some of the most unique and colorful aspects of the PRIDE-themed First Friday Art Walk.  The evening was highlighted by six community and LGBTG+ organizations and a rare appearance by the SUN!  Enjoy the segments and leave a comment letting the producers know how much we appreciate the priceless coverage of La Jolla village.

LINK to First Shot (Jodi Rudick at Sotheby’s featuring PRIDE organizations)

LINK to Second Spot (Katey Longo and LIK)

LINK to Third Spot (Krista Schumacher, live art demo)

LINK to Fourth Spot (L & G Projects)

