
Congratulations are in order! Due to some changes in business operations, Brett Murphy, who has served on the LJVMA board for almost six-years (including over three years as President) has stepped down.  Murphy who will continue to be involved in the association nominated Cody Decker to take the reigns as the new President at last month’s meeting.  Cody, along with his wife Kensey, owns Decker’s Dog + Cat and was unanimously elected to lead the board.  The new Vice President is Morgan Barnes who represents The Cove House and has been chairing the Marketing and Events Committee.

Cody is looking to take the association to the next level, by adding new technology and upping merchant engagement. He also is looking forward to continuing to get stuff done with a great team.

Brett addressed the board and membership and said, “For the past 6 years, I had the privilege to serve this wonderful community on the board, as Treasurer, Vice President and for the past two years, President. I want to thank everyone that has the same passion for La Jolla that I have and I appreciate you all that worked with me along the way. I am so happy to leave the organization in great standing with Cody Decker now at the helm. We are so excited for the future of La Jolla and I will be here to enjoy it. Thank you!”

We are so excited to see them thrive in their new roles in supporting La Jolla Village Merchants Association
