I had the pleasure of lunching with a wonderful woman who, not only is a La Jolla Village Merchant, but also an active champion for women-owned businesses. Sima Alefi, owner of Serenity Financial Planning met at one of La Jolla’s true destination restaurants, Manhattan of La Jolla, located at the Empress Hotel. It’s easy to forget you’re in Southern California while dining at Manhattan as the experience transports you to the type of classic Italian restaurants Frank, Dean, and Sammy would have selected for a guys night out. While us gals stuck to salads which were the perfect accompaniment to the focaccia which is a bread-lovers dream come true; Manhattan is known for its award-winning steaks and pasta, fantastic artwork, and live music four nights each week.

7766 Fay Ave | (858) 459.0700 | www.manhattanoflajolla.com
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