Safe Reopening Poster 2

Your La Jolla Village Merchants Association is here to help as you adapt to new guidelines  For instance, we have created posters to help you meet Signage Requirements which state::

  • Signage at each public entrance of the facility to inform all employees and customers that they should: avoid
    entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; wear facial coverings, maintain a minimum six-foot distance
    from one another; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
  • Signage posting a copy of the Safe Reopening Plan at each public entrance to the facility.
    • RETAILERS can access their REQUIRED SRP here.

    • RESTAURANTS can find their REQUIRED SRP here.

LJVMA staff and volunteers are bringing posters to members.  If you haven’t received one or need one right away send an email to [email protected].